John Denver(2)
해파랑길 31코스 (궁평항~덕산해변 입구) 악전고투하며 걸은 길, 포장도로가 겁난다.
악전고투하며 걸은 길, 포장도로가 겁난다. 해파랑길 31코스 궁촌레일바이크역-동막교-부남교-덕산해변입구 8.9km / 10:20~13:50 (악전고투, 3:50) 2019. 10. 17(목) 흐림, 24℃ 31코스는 삼척 동해구간 중 삼척시 근덕면 궁촌1리와 덕산리를 잇는 8.9km. 궁촌레일바이크역을 출발하여 동막교와 부남교..
2019.11.02 -
Perhaps love - John Denver & Placido Domingo
Perhaps love John Denver & Placido Domingo Perhaps love is like a resting place A shelter from the storm It exists to give you comfort It is there to keep you warm And in those times of trouble When you are most alone The memory of love will bring you home Perhaps love is like a window Perhaps an open door It invites you to come closer It wants to show you more And even if you lose yourself And..